Woof Pupsicle Review: an Easy Way to Enrich and Calm your Corgi
The Woof Pupsicle is a refillable rubber holder for treats. It's one of our corgi's favorite toys that keeps him entertained for a long time. We think your corgi will love it too.
The Pupsicle is one of Monty's favorite toys/treats and we think you'll love it as much as we do. If this article is too long and you just want to pull the trigger, consider using my referral link to save $20 on your purchase of $50 of more from Woof. This makes the Pupsicle practically free (okay, $5).

What is the Woof Pupsicle Dog Toy?
The Woof Pupsicle is a refillable rubber holder for treats (especially frozen treatos!). It’s round and topped with a threaded lid you can unscrew to insert treats and for easy cleaning. There’s a small opening on its face to allow your dog to lick the treat inside. It keeps our dog, Monty, entertained for at least twenty minutes, but usually forty minutes to an hour. It’s become one of the most-used tools in our arsenal to slay boredom and stimulate Monty. Importantly, the Pupsicle is made from non-toxic and phthalate-free natural rubber, ensuring it's a safe and high-quality choice for your pet.
It usually costs around $25 without any other bundles from the manufacturer (it's a couple dollars more on Amazon). Though this may sounds like a lot, because of how versatile, sustainable, and mess-free it is, it's actually quite a steal. If you make your own treats to refill it, the amortized cost is super cheap. Cheaper than most other treats we give Monty.
What Do We Like About It?
Variety of Treats
The best thing about the Pupsicle is its versatility. The company makes their own unfrozen treats (that you can freeze) for easy, no-planning treat dispensing. We usually stock a few of these as extra special treats.
However, the magic is that there is a silicon tray that allows you to make your own treat for your pup. This is great because significantly reduces the price per treat and prevents you from needing a recurring subscription to their products.

The silicon tray holds four treats. You simply mix your ingredients, pour them in the mold, insert in the freezer, and wait for them to cool. Then you can easily pop them out and insert them into the Pupsicle. Our mold is always in the freezer; when Monty has finished all four treats, we just make a new batch and throw it right back in.
It's Sustainable
First, this thing is built like a tank. It's made of solid rubber. You could chuck it around like it's a baseball and it would never collapse. I have no doubt that the Pupsicle will last us multiple decades of use; it's already on year 3 and shows no imperfections.
Second, because it has an accompanying silicon treat tray that allows you to make your own treats, you don't need to go out and buy other treats that are wrapped in plastic. We fill ours with food we normally stock in the kitchen, such as Greek yogurt and peanut butter. If you consider the alternative of giving Monty a plastic-wrapped Bully Stick every night, this saves a lot of plastic waste.
It's Dishwasher Safe
I can't lie, I don't like to handwash things. Because of that, and because I get stressed out with dishes in the sink, I run the dishwasher every day. While I should definitely cut down on my usage, it's nice that I can throw the Pupsicle right in with everything else. We've placed it on the top rack and bottom rack without noticing any degradation or warping of the rubber.
Sometimes, Monty won't get all the peanut butter out and we will have to scrub that with a sponge before putting it in the dishwasher. The unscrewable lid makes this a breeze. I would recommend unscrewing the lid before it gets wet, however. It's a little tricky to remove when the threads have water in them.
It Doesn't Make a Mess
When my partner first bought this product at our local pet store, I was extremely skeptical about it. I imagined that the frozen yogurt or peanut butter would melt and spill down onto the carpet. I saw an expensive or time-consuming cleanup in my future.
However, this was not the case. The Pupsicle seems more weighted at the bottom (where the lid is) rather than the open face where your pup does the licking. This tends to it keep it upright. Plus, if it were upside down, your pup couldn't lick it!
The rubber does a good job of insulating the frozen treat so that the licking surface is the only part melting – and hopefully your dog enjoys that. I've never seen a mess, stain, or dribble that came from the Pupsicle. As a tidy person, I approve of this on my carpet.
What Size Should You Get?
The Pupsicle comes in small, large, and extra large. Since we're talking about corgis, I would recommend the size small. Monty is on the smaller size of corgis at 24 pounds, and the small is perfect for him to pick up and move if he gets it stuck under the entertainment stand (which happens often). If it were any larger, I'm not sure it would fit in his mouth.
I suppose you could get the larger version to keep your corgi entertained longer, but this also means that they'll consume more calories. Between that and the size to mouth ratio, I think small is the way to go.
Making your Own Frozen Pupsicle Treats
Like mentioned above, making your own treats is simple. You just make your recipe in a blender or bowl, and pour it into the mold (that’s sold separately). Then toss it into the freezer and wait until it’s chilled to serve to your pup.
Woof has a pretty detailed recipe page for some recommended frozen treats. While I haven’t tried these, they do sounds pretty appealing, even to humans! Our recipe is pretty easy. We eyeball a mixture of peanut butter, pumpkin puree, and Greek yogurt. If we’re missing one of these ingredients (it’s usually pumpkin), then we just leave it out. I admit, it sounds like an odd combo, but Monty seems to really enjoy it.
I will say, this recipe doesn’t last nearly as long as the pre-made treats that the company sells specially for the Pupsicle. The peanut butter-pumpkin-yogurt mixture lasts about 20-25 minutes. It’s a great light refreshment after an evening walk.
For those looking to enhance their dog's training and treat experience, consider incorporating treats for the Pupsicle that are packed with protein and soothing nutrients, especially for training.

Buying the Pre-made Pupsicle Treats
The pre-made treats that the company sells are pretty great. They already come in the shape needed to fit in the Pupsicle, so you can just slap one in (or freeze it first) and get the ball rolling. At around $16-$18 for a pack of ten, it is a little pricey, though. For that reason, we don’t give him one each night. We reserve them for extra special occasions to keep the novelty.
They come in multiple flavors. Ones that’s we’ve enjoyed using are the Calming Wellness Pops. I’m pretty skeptical about anything calming our high-energy corgi, but this actually seemed to work. We noticed a marked improvement barking after the calming pop. After finishing the treat, Monty will just lay sideways on the cold hardwood floors and fall asleep.

I’m not sure if this is actually because of the ingredients or because he takes longer to consume the treat and he’s just more tired from that. Either way, we’ll keep buying this flavor. For the ingredients, it notes that it’s loaded with magnesium, B vitamins, passion flow, and tryptophan.
I think Monty enjoys the variety and taste of these pre-made Pupsicle treats, highlighting just how just how much he enjoys novelty and new flavors.
How to Buy
I usually like to buy things directly on Amazon. The Woof Pupsicle is available for purchase on Amazon's storefront. However, the company offers a great deal if you purchase directly from their website. If you use my referral link, we'll both get $20 towards our next purchase of $50 or more. That means that the Pupsicle is almost free, you just need to buy some treats!
As one of our favorite toys for Monty, I have no issues recommending this product to all of my fellow dog parents. Of course, if you're interested in more treat recommendations, check out our list of favorites. If you end up giving it a shot, come back and leave me a comment to let me know how your pup is enjoying the delicious treats.